The Political Press

The reality in Politics

20,000 Hustlers To Picket at Azimio Principals’ Homes – Malala

United Democratic Alliance (UDA) Secretary General Cleophas Malala says at least 20,000 hustlers will picket on Monday.

In a letter addressed to Inspector General of Police Japheth Koome, Malala says the hustlers will stage protests at the homes of Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance coalition party leaders.

According to the former Kakamega senator, the protests will be at the homes of Raila Odinga, Martha Karua, Kalonzo Musyoka and Eugene Wamalwa.

For this reason, he has asked the police to provide security for the demonstrators.

Read: Malala To Lead March to Raila’s Karen Home on Monday

“We write to request security personnel in view of hustlers that will be demonstrating against divisive politics, destruction of property, and probable loss of lives,” the letter reads in part.

He adds: “Your consideration of our request will be highly appreciated.”

Azimio la Umoja will be on the same day be marching to the State House over the high cost of living, IEBC servers and the recruitment of IEBC commissioners.

Their planned demos have, however, been declared illegal by the police.

Read Also: Raila Declares Start of Mass Action, To Lead Peaceful Demos on March 20

Nairobi police commander Adamson Bungei on Sunday said the protests did not meet the threshold.

He explained that the opposition and the Nairobi Business Community did not give them a three-day notice.

“We are in receipt of two requests that came late yesterday and today in the m morning. One was from Azimio la Umoja One Kenya and another from the Nairobi business community. The two groups intended to have peaceful demos. But for public safety none has been granted,” he said.

“Any person who will breach the peace or break the law during the procession shall be dealt with according to the law.

Read Also: Obado Chastises Raila for Calling for Mass Action

“The public order act of 2012 is very clear, if a protest is not within the framework of that order then it is illegal.”

In a quick rejoinder, Raila termed the police declaration as “nonsense”.

“Huo ni upuzi. Police kazi yao ni kulinda wananchi. The duty of the police is to protect the people. Not to license protests. They are only served with the notice and that’s what the Constitution says,” he said at ATG Deliverance Church in Ongata Rongai, Nairobi.

The opposition will begin their march to the State House at Parliament Buildings.

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