The Political Press

The reality in Politics

Somali Electoral Process talks fail

Some opposition leaders blame President Mohamed Farmajo for the collapse of the talks, saying the government was just buying time and had nothing concrete to offer.


The talks that were being held between the government of Somalia and Opposition presidential candidates have hit a stumbling block.

The government will continue holding talks on the electoral process to implement the pre-election agreement, which was reached on September 17 last year, with leaders of the federal member states, Prime Minister Mohamed Roble said in a statement.

the talks failed on Thursday after opposition presidential candidates requested to be included in future election talks

The prime minister said an understanding had been reached on the issues discussed, but one of the demands from the candidates’ union was not in line with the country’s electoral process.


Roble said his government encourages dialogue and that the doors are open to all, but that there is a need to show sincerity and compromise, and not to create new obstacles and conflicts.

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