The Political Press

The reality in Politics

Witchcraft Claims Derail Kajiado Gubernatorial Debate

Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku almost brought a debate to a halt after he asserted that his political rivals use snakes and spells from sorcerers in their campaigns for office.

Former governor David Nkedianye, according to Lenku, frequently visits witch doctors.

“They use snakes given to them by sorcerers and this is a true story. They are the same people calling my voters snakes,” claimed the county chief.

Lenku continued to criticize Nkedianye despite the moderators’ best efforts. They were forced to turn off his microphone.

Read: Kajiado Governor Ole Lenku Dumps Jubilee for ODM

Lenku then protested after Nkedianye insisted that he clarifies his repeated threats that blood will be shed if he does not win the upcoming election.

Nkedianye also demanded an explanation for Lenku’s purported description of the non-Maasai people residing in Kajiado as “snakes”.

The former governor informed the debate’s moderators that he had complete documentation of when Lenku made the remarks about shedding blood and how many times he referred to those who are not Maasai as snakes.

“You are the snakes I was talking about. In Maasai, we strongly believe sorcerers and witch doctors are using snakes. So, by you turning against me and claiming that I called my people snakes, you are embarrassing me,” Lenku said.

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Lenku publicly said on Monday, that non-Maasai people working with Nkedianye and Katoo Ole Metito to deny him a victory in the polls were snakes, and he had no regrets about his statement.

Lenku had already charged that Metito and Nkedianye had sold the Maasai people’s political inheritance by choosing running mates from the Kikuyu community.

Lenku (ODM), Nkedianye (Jubilee), and Ambrose Ng’ang’a (Independent) had dealt with pressing issues that affect the people of Kajiado before the accusations of snakes ruled the airwaves.

They discussed ways to increase the county’s riches, improve roads, supply water, among others issues.

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Ng’ang’a said that governor Lenku solely hired members of his clan.

He asserted that the county administration is now allocating less than 5% of its annual budget for development and spending more than 35% of it on salaries.

Lenku responded that he was free to spend on salary as long as he stayed under the 1 billion shilling cap.

If elected, Nkedianye promised to make sure that all county hospitals had access to medication.

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“From 2019, county hospitals have become shells and are of no use to the people of Kajiado because there are no drugs, doctors and nurses are not motivated,” claimed Nkedianye.

Lenku said that unnamed lawmakers had thwarted his plans to establish public universities in Kajiado.

“Siasa mbaya, Maisha mbaya (bad politics brings forth bad life). We made all that was possible to have a public university in this county but they came and blocked it.”

Lenku was informed by Nkedianye that counties had no business establishing public colleges because that was a matter for the national government.

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“My friend here is clueless about what is required. He went and built a gate worth Sh20 million on land in Kajiado town set aside for a college. That money went to waste, there is a process to be followed,” Nkedianye said.

Metito did not attend the debate in spite of being invited.

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