The Political Press

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Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko. [Courtesy]

Sonko Threatens To Exit Azimio, Back UDA’s Omar For Mombasa Governor

Former Nairobi County Governor Mike Sonko has threatened to back Hassan Omar, a UDA candidate for governor of Mombasa County, against Abdulswamad Nassir, a candidate for Azimio la Umoja.

Sonko, who was unsuccessful in getting gazetted by the IEBC on July 28 to run for the governor’s seat in Mombasa, said Kisauni MP Ali Mbogo should be put forward as a backup, and in the event of that, he will support Omar.

Three weeks ago, the Wiper party submitted a letter to the IEBC announcing Mbogo as its nominee for governor of Mombasa.

Sonko was unexpectedly selected as Mbogo’s deputy by the Kalonzo Musyoka-led party.

Read: Sonko Disqualified From Mombasa Gubernatorial Race as He Files Case at EAC

Sonko denied considering joining the DP William Ruto-led party in an exclusive interview with KTN News, but he cautioned that if he were put in a tight spot, he may consider it.

“It’s not about Sonko. Clear Ali Mbogo and let him be on the ballot, failure to which we shall support Hassan Omar. Take this to the bank,” said Sonko.

“I am not in UDA, but maybe they will force us to that decision. Don’t punish everybody because of my mistakes.”

The former governor continued by requesting that the Supreme Court reconsider its decision upholding his impeachment.

Read Also: I Was Denied Justice – Sonko Laments As He Writes to EACJ on Impeachment Ruling

“By midnight, tonight, we are filing a fresh petition to challenge that decision. We still have a review before the Supreme Court,” said Sonko.

Sonko’s bid for the governorship of Mombasa was withdrawn by the IEBC in the wake of the Supreme Court decision upholding his impeachment as governor of Nairobi.

Sonko’s right to run for office was ruled invalid by the Supreme Court, according to Mombasa County Returning Officer Swalhah Ibrahim Yusuf.

“The main ground as to why the High Court allowed your registration as a candidate was the presence of the appeal in the Supreme Court,” a letter by IEBC stated in part.

Read Also: End of Road for Sonko as Supreme Court Upholds Impeachment

The former Nairobi senator has since filed a case at the East African Court of Justice.

Through his lawyers; Kenneth Wanyanga and Danstan Omari, Sonko claimed that he was not given the opportunity to be heard as required by law.

He said that the top court did not take into account the fact that his impeachment appeal received no response.

The former Makadara MP also requested that the court provides temporary orders halting the enforcement of the judgment.

Read Also: Sonko Finally Cleared to Vie for Mombasa Governorship

He further contended that the Supreme Court did not overturn the directive given to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to include Sonko’s name on the ballot by three justices of the High Court sitting in Mombasa.

According to the former lawmaker, against the Supreme Court’s own directive, seven judges heard the case instead of the five justices who were meant to hear it.

Sonko’s lawyers also revealed that they had petitioned the Supreme Court for a stay of the judgment.

They claimed that after admitting it lacked authority to consider the impeachment application, the highest court nonetheless proceeded to render a ruling.

Read Also: Win for Sonko As Court Orders IEBC To Clear Him for Mombasa Governor Race

“The decision of the Kenyan judicial arm is tainted with illegality as the decision of the high court as upheld by the Supreme Court was influenced through corrupt means,” he said.

Sonko also claimed that the High Court’s Presiding Judge, who made the ruling, is currently being investigated by a disciplinary committee for accepting payments to influence the court’s decision, which led to his dismissal from office.

His impeachment review application is set to be heard by the Apex court.

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