The Political Press

The reality in Politics

kawira mwangaza

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza Addresses the public outside the County Assembly. [Courtesy]

Drama at Meru County Assembly as MCAs Reject Governor Kawira’s Address

There was drama at the Meru County Assembly on Wednesday after the Ward Representatives declined to be addressed by Governor Kawira Mwangaza.

The county boss was set to address and officially open the assembly.

A few members denied the former Woman Representative entry into the chambers as they chanted “Hatutaki”.

The MCAs alleged that the governor had been unkind to their requests for the past two weeks to hold meetings with them and had disregarded their demands. They cited arrogance as the reason for the commotion witnessed at the precincts.

Read: Meru MCAs Claim Governor Mwangaza is Disrespectful Ahead of Address

In addition, they claimed that Governor Kawira and her officials had humiliated them by refusing to recognize them as elected officials.

“As an assembly consisting of 69 members we have today resolved that we are not going to listen to the Governor’s address reason being that we have sought audience with the governor for the last two weeks seeking to have a sitting with her so that we can discuss on the way forward on how we are going to work for the people of Meru which has been to no avail,” a Ward Rep said on Tuesday.

“The governor and her officers are out there to demean the MCAs but they have been elected therefore we need to have respect between the office of the governor and members of the County Assembly.”

They contended that without good communication, all County developments will be hampered, making County electorate demands unfeasible.

Read Also: Meru Governor Kawira Appoints Husband Murega “Hustlers Ambassador”

“We therefore feel if the governor has no time to listen to our demands and needs and the needs of our electorates, we are also not ready to give her audience,” they added.

“For us to go forward we need to work a working relationship. The governor needs to understand that the country government comprises of two arms of government, the legislature and executive, and one cannot function without the other one. We promise that we are ready to support her but this can’t happen but this cannot happen without having a sitting.”

Speaking to Muuga FM on Wednesday morning, the county chief revealed that some of the MCAs held a secret meeting at an MP’s home. They allegedly discussed how they would sabotage her administration.

“As a governor, I will not be intimidated by anyone because I swore to work for the people. I will not sit in the office to listen to the MCAs because I have to be with the people who voted for me,” she said.

“Instead of talking about how they will pass the budget and [vet] the CECs, they are discussing greeting the governor.”

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