The Political Press

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Siaya Governor James Orengo. [COURTESY]

God Can Still Make Raila President – Orengo

Siaya Governor James Orengo has urged Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance leader Raila Odinga’s supporters to keep the faith as he (Raila) could still be President.

Speaking on Friday in Rarieda Constituency, Orengo said the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leader could still be Kenya’s president if God wills.

He was making the statements in reference to area politicians who had ditched the opposition for President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza Alliance.

The leaders include MDG party leader and Ugenya MP David Ochieng and former Rarieda MP Nicholas Gumbo.

Read: Raila Still a Formidable Presidential Contender – Kirwa

“I want you to remain hopeful because a people without hope cannot get anywhere. A person who abandons his mother’s leaking hut for a neighbor’s glittering house is a stupid fellow,” said the former senator.

He added: “I can tell you that if it is God’s will that Raila is to become the president of the Republic of Kenya, then that will cannot be taken away. Let us keep the faith.”

Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo said it was important for elected leaders to remain in the parties that catapulted them to Parliament.

“The people elected you in the party where you were because they wanted you in that party. If anything, there were UDA aspirants even in Rarieda whom the electorate could have voted for but they didn’t,” he said.

Read Also: MP Atandi To Lead Protests Against Corrupt Siaya County Officials

Otiende added: “We will work with the government where necessary, cooperate but not go into submission… We will request humbly and when it comes, we take it with thanks.”

The second-term MP also stated that they will gladly receive the relief food the government is set to distribute on Saturday.

Raila lost his fifth attempt at clinching the presidency to Dr Ruto in the hotly contested August 9 polls.

The former prime minister garnered 6,942,930 votes against the head of state’s 7,176,141.

Read Also: Karua Challenges President Ruto’s Win at the East African Court of Justice

The ODM leader then moved to the Supreme Court where he unsuccessfully challenged Dr Ruto’s victory. His running mate and Narc-Kenya leader Martha Karua has challenged the Apex court’s ruling at the East African Court of Justice.

“We took our dispute to the Supreme Court, hoping for a fair hearing. However, the Supreme Court undermined the rule of law by violating the right to a fair trial. It did not allow for proper scrutiny of the election technology and, where it did, it surrendered its conduct to one of the parties, the IEBC, and declined to hear the petitioners’ findings,” said Karua.

“The Court also found that the Chairperson of the IEBC conducted the election in an unlawful manner, but these findings again had no legal consequences. Regrettably, our petitions were dismissed with epithets and name-calling. We believe this conduct is so uncharacteristic of an apex court.”

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