The Political Press

The reality in Politics


Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi. [COURTESY]

Kiambu Governor Wamatangi Claims Life in Danger

Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi claims his life in danger.

Speaking on Sunday in Ndarugo, Gatundu South, the former senator told a congregation to pray for him as he has been receiving threats to his life.

Naming no names, the former lawmaker said numerous people have told him to tread carefully lest he loses his head.

”I have been told to take care, that I will lose my head but I tell them that my head has stayed where it is because of God,” Governor Wamatangi said. 

Read: Governor Wamatangi Suffers Setback as MCAs Reject 10 Cabinet Nominees

“Even when they say they will create a huge scandal and blame it on me, I’m not worried I tell them that the God who stood with me is the same God who will stand with me.”

Wamatangi claims that a building permits and approval cartel that was swindling Kiambu residents is one of the cartels that his leadership has dismantled since coming into office.

“In my first month at the office, there is a school and a church who came to me and told me they were yet to get building approvals despite making official and unofficial payments,” he told the congregation.

The first time county boss alleged that those threatening him have vowed to fabricate shady scandals among other things to get him arrested and charged in court.

Read Also: Governor Wamatangi Orders Headcount To Weed Out Ghost Employees

“I have been beaten before, now nothing really worries me, no one can frighten me, God made me a Senator… and then God used you to make me a governor and it is not in vain,” he continued.

“All I want to ask for is prayers from you so that I’m strong physically and mentally so that I can continue working.”

The governor pledged to fight corruption in the county and work closely with MPs and MCAs to carry out his duties.

If nothing is done, he contended, corruption will persist throughout the county.

Read Also: Ex-Kiambu Governor Waititu Lands State Job

In reference to the recent trip of American billionaire Bill Gates, Governor Wamatangi asserted that the philanthropist first visited Nairobi and then Makueni County but ignored Kiambu County.

“He came here with billions and made a stopover in Nairobi, then headed to Makueni and after that went to Kisumu… it is because these investors have been advised on the best counties where their investment will not be misused or wasted.”

During the Jamhuri Day celebrations, the governor pledged to intensify the fight against graft.

“When I assumed office, I found a debt of Sh7 billion which the county owed to various individuals and contractors. As I talk, we have managed to pay all casual and permanent and pensionable workers all their dues and starting this week, we shall start paying 70 contractors and creditors who we owe money,” he said.

He added: “Corruption flights back and hence you will more often than not continue hearing unnecessary noise here and there but that won’t distract us from doing what Wanjiku elected us to do.”

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