The Political Press

The reality in Politics

uhuru son gun

Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta. [COURTESY]

Uhuru’s Son Jomo Challenges Decision to Revoke Firearm License

The son of former president Uhuru Kenyatta, Jomo Kenyatta, has filed a petition with the High Court contesting the government’s decision to revoke his firearms license.

Jomo has urged the Milimani Law Courts to intervene and stop the state from cancelling his guns license.

He wants the Chief Licensing officer, the firearms Licensing Board and the Attorney General stopped from demanding his license ‘without following the due process set out in the Firearms Act’.

Jomo claims in court documents that the decision to revoke his guns license violates section 5(8) of the guns Act.

Read: They Were Planning to Plant Guns on My Son – Uhuru

Despite having a license, he contends that he has not been informed of the reasons for the planned revocation.

He also informed the court that on July 21, cops demanded that he turns over his firearms, but no explanation was given.

“On inquiry as to the reasons if any, that had caused an abrupt demand for my firearms, the offices feigned ignorance,” Jomo said.

He pleaded with the court to get intervene because he is worried about possible strong-arm techniques being used by the State.

Read Also: Wetangula Advises Uhuru To Stay Away from Politics

Uhuru on Monday claimed the police wanted to plant drugs and guns on his eldest son during the aforementioned raid.

Speaking to the media, the former president said the raid was just propaganda meant to hurt him.

“This gun issue is surrounded by lots of propaganda to divert attention from what has been happening. I believe they wanted to plant drugs and guns in my son’s compound,” he said.

“I went because of a distress call from my son. I was not drunk, I was extremely hurt.”

Read Also: Sabina Asks Uhuru to Convene Meeting with Jubilee Members

Uhuru further revealed that his sons each have three firearms.

The guns, he said, are legally registered.

“My son Jomo has never been interested in weapons. He was forced to apply for a gun after his security was withdrawn,” Uhuru said, adding that his daughter, Ngina, is not a firearm holder.

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