The Political Press

The reality in Politics

Eritrea Responds Following US Sanctions Over Ethiopia War

Eritrea has responded after the United States sanctioned four Eritrea institutions and two individuals over role in Ethiopian conflict.

Eritrean government has said the move is aimed at inculcating suffering and starvation of its civil population.

“This unilateral sanction that shifts blame to and scapegoats Eritrea on the basis of spurious allegations, is in contravention of international law, and constitutes a flagrant breach of the sovereignty, independence and liberation of peoples and nations.

“Its transparent aim is to obstruct enduring solutions that promote sustainable stability in the Horn of Africa in general and Ethiopia in particular and to stoke and perpetuate a vicious cycle of chaos that it will then manage,” said Information Minister Yemane Meskel.

Eduardo Soteras | AFP

Mr Meskel claims that the cynical act is rationalised through the fabrication of baseless allegations amplified incessantly by pliable media outlets. 

“Sadly, the disingenuous pattern invariably revolves around levelling bogus and unilateral accusations that are corroborated by paid and coached witnesses to rationalise and impose unlawful sanctions.

“That the primary aim of the illicit and immoral sanctions is to inculcate suffering and starvation on the population to induce political unrest and instability is patently clear. The people and government of Eritrea deplore, in letter and spirit, the illicit and unilateral sanctions” he added.

Last Friday, the US sanctioned Abraha Kassa Nemariam, Hidri Trust and Hagos Ghebrehiwet W Kidan.

They also blacklisted Eritrean Defense Force, the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice and Red Sea Trading Corporation for fueling the Ethiopian war that has been ongoing for the past year.

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