The Political Press

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UDA Secretary General Cleophas Malala. [COURTESY]

Arrest Those Responsible for Fire at Siaya UDA Offices – Malala

United Democratic Alliance (UDA) secretary general Cleophas Malala wants those behind the arson of party offices in Siaya arrested.

Malala said the torching of the offices was very disturbing.

“We call upon law enforcement agencies to swing into action and apprehend the perpetrators, conveners and or financiers of these heinous acts,” he said in a statement on Thursday.

The former Kakamega senator said that while rights to picket and demonstrate are enshrined in the Constitution, they should not be abused.

Read: UDA Siaya Offices Torched by Rioters

“Mr. Raila Odinga must be reminded that his rights end where other Kenyan’s rights begin and that Kenya cannot be allowed to be taken to the dogs,” he said.

Malala urged UDA supporters to exercise restraint even in the face of extreme provocation.

Siaya county UDA coordinator Waore Dianga said rioters stormed the offices after taking away iron sheets used to fence the premises. The vandals also made away with doors and windows.

Read Also: Kisumu Protests Suspended, Team to Join Nairobi Demos

Last week, UDA offices in Kisumu were vandalized and two motor vehicles set ablaze. Two other vehicles belonging to party officials were also damaged.

Then, Malala said he had written to the Registrar of Political Parties asking that funds meant for the ODM party be used to pay for damages.

The opposition has this week held protests on Monday and Thursday.

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