The Political Press

The reality in Politics

Aspiring Meru MCA Festus Kithinji Blasts Voters After Spending Savings on Campaign (Video)

An aspiring Meru MCA candidate is the talk of town after he lamented about spending his life savings on an unsuccessful campaign.

Festus Kithinji, who was running for the Mbeu Ward MCA seat on a Wiper ticket, expressed disappointment that he had expended so much effort and money on his campaigns only to lose by a wide margin.

“As I stand here my bank account balance reads zero. I put all my efforts and now you are giving me this. You people are liars, why did you lie to me? Calling me mheshimiwa yet you didn’t give me your votes.

“That’s not fair. Even God will judge you people. Telling me that 2027 will be better, how will it be better?” posed a teary Kithinji.

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“People will come with money (in 2027). I can’t promise that I will have enough money for you people. I really feel disappointed and heart-broken. I feel as if I should quit politics once and for all. It is really sad.”

Kithinji emphasized that his political stance has not changed and that he will be on the ballot once more in 2027 in a second video that he published just hours after the first.

He used the now-famous slang expression “ni kuoga na kurudi soko”.

“I have been crying a lot lately but I am done with all that. My name will be on the ballot in 2027.

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“Let me look for money in the meantime. I have come to realise that politics is all about money. I am going to get money then go after power,” he said.

The politician also revealed that he exhausted his Helb loans to finance his unsuccessful campaign.

“I have utilised all my resources, I’ve been saving, even my HELB, since I was in campus, saving for this election,” he said.

He also noted that he was leading in the opinion polls and did not understand how he lost in Tuesday polls.

“I was leading according to the opinion polls, but last minute you just decide to give somebody because of money, that is unfair to me.”

Kithinji wished all the best to the Mbeu Ward MCA-elect.

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