The Political Press

The reality in Politics

Dialogue with MCAs – Thang’wa Tells Wamatangi Following Protests

Kiambu senator Karungo wa Thang’wa has asked governor Kimani Wamatangi to hear out Ward Representatives.

This was after members of the County Assembly stormed the governor’s office.

“Why would you (governor) not hear out the MCAs? They want an audience with you so that they can be given answers for the questions the electorate is asking them,” said the senator.

The legislator, however, thanked the ward reps for not threatening to oust the county chief.

Read: Kiambu Governor Wamatangi Claims Life in Danger

“As a leader, you get a lot of questions from the people that need urgent answers and the governor is the one to answer since he is in charge of county funds,” added the senator.

The senator warned that the rising political temperatures could derail development within the area.

Thang’wa urged the first time governor to sit down with the legislators and come up with reasonable resolutions.

“Accept to sit down with the MCAs and come up with amicable solutions to propel Kiambu to greater heights and end the looming impasse,” Thang’wa said.

Read Also: Governor Wamatangi Suffers Setback as MCAs Reject 10 Cabinet Nominees

“Do not let political heat because when it starts it will not end soon.”

He also threatened to join the MCAs in storming the governor’s office should be fail to address the issues raised.

“If answers are not provided soon the electorate will storm the governor’s office and we do not want the situation to escalate to that,” he stated.

Thang’wa added: “Let us not reach a situation where everybody is complaining over leadership. Let us work for our people so that we can deliver what we promised during the campaigns.”

Read Also: Ex-Kiambu Governor Waititu Lands State Job

The Ward Reps protested outside the governor’s office over the delayed disbursement of bursary funds.

The legislators accused the governor of using delay tactics to frustrate them.

“We have no personal vendetta with the governor but he needs to work with us so that we can deliver to our people. He has decided to work alone,” said majority leader Geoffrey Mucheke.

The MCAs also claimed that Wamatangi has been using his foundation to reach locals, hence undermining them.

Read Also: Ex-Kiambu MCA Robert Kibe Sentenced to Four Years in Prison Over Forgery of KCSE Certificate

“We have discovered that the governor is using his foundation to reach the grassroot even while distributing maize for planting, which is undermining the elected MCAs,” Riabai MCA Hezron Gachui said.

The governor is yet to respond to the allegations.

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