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Former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya. [COURTESY]

Ex-Kakamega Governor Oparanya Denies Dumping ODM

Former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya has denied dissociating himself from the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party.

Speaking to TV47 on Wednesday, the ODM deputy party leader refuted reports that he had left the Raila Odinga-led political outfit.

“I have never said I am no longer in ODM. I am in ODM to stay. Raila is my party leader and we have been best friends all along. I have no problem with him at all,” he said.

He confirmed that he is still the deputy party leader of ODM and the chairman of the National Coalition executive council of Azimio.

Read: I’m Done With Raila – Oparanya Declares

Oparanya charged that his detractors had spread false information about his political stance.

“Those propagating the rumours said that I had talked during the funeral of the late nominated MCA Phaustine Werimo. As you know very well, Werimo has not been buried. There are court cases here and there and the funeral was not there,” he said.

Last week, the former county boss is said to have ceased to support the former prime minister.

 Speaking during the burial of Nominated Member of County Assembly (MCA) Phaustine Werimo, on Thursday last week, Oparanya apparently declared that it was time to sever ties with Raila.

Read Also: Ex-MP Lempurkel Dumps ODM After Missing Out on EALA Job

“I am offering myself from now to lead the unity drive of our people. I am done with Raila and even if he bad-mouths me, God forbid, he knows, he will not be forgiven,” he said.

With the election for the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) at its core, Oparanya highlighted betrayal as the reason behind his political choice.

He bemoaned the fact that, despite the region’s resounding support for the former prime minister since 2007, they have consistently gotten the short end of the stick.

Justus Kizito, a former Shinyalu MP, was fronted for the EALA elections, but he was sacrificed in favor of Jubilee and Wiper nominees, he said.

Read Also: Lurambi MP Titus Khamala Denies Dumping ODM After State House Meeting

“I was pushing for Kizito Justus to go to EALA but MPs were grumbling that Kizito had no money. I was wondering if MPs must also be bribed to vote,” he said.

“The result of that vote is that all other big tribes but the Luhya sent an MP to EALA.”

The former county boss said that the vote-rich region should band together and choose a different political course in order to secure their proper share of the government by 2027.

Oparanya claimed that despite efforts to ensure that the Western region supported Raila’s bid in the elections of 2022, they were not taken into account for the leadership positions in the opposition coalition in Parliament.

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