The Political Press

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gideon moi

Baringo Senator Gideon Moi with Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka. [Courtesy]

Gideon Moi Backs Kalonzo’s Running Mate Bid

Gideon Moi, the chairman of the Kanu Party, has written to the Azimio la Umoja running mate selection panel recommending Kalonzo Musyoka to deputise Raila Odinga.

In a letter to panel chairman Dr Noah Wekesa on Thursday, the Baringo Senator stated that the former Vice President is better qualified than the other candidates.

“The Kenya African National Union (KANU) proposes and submits the name of H.E Hon. Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka as its preferred candidate for the position of Deputy President in the forthcoming General Election,” Moi said.

Read: Prof Makau Mutua Dares DP Ruto to Name Kalonzo as his Running Mate

“It is our considered opinion, and we strongly believe that Stephen Kalonzo fits the bill and is the most suitable to deputise Raila Amolo Odinga.”

“It is our sincere hope that this panel will consider and find him appropriate for the position of the Deputy President and consequently recommend his selection.”

The panel gave Azimio affiliate parties until Thursday to submit names of probable candidates.

Read Also: Kalonzo Deserves Respect – DP Ruto Chides Azimio Over Running Mate Interviews

“The Committee requests any constituent party members of the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Alliance that wishes to nominate any person for consideration as a candidate for the position of Deputy President of the coalition to submit the name of such person by close of business tomorrow, Thursday, April 5, 2022,” Wekesa said.

“The Committee shall only consider candidates who are members of the constituent party members of the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Alliance.”

Kalonzo earlier on in the week said he will not be attending the interviews, a move his allies have backed.

Read Also: Azimio Panel to Start Interviews for Raila Running Mate on Wednesday

“I want to tell all Kenyans that I will not attend the said process. I find the entire thing demeaning to my person and will therefore distance myself from it,” Kalonzo was quoted by the Standard as saying. 

The deputy President William Ruto on his part said subjecting the former VP to the interview process was “humiliating”.

“Though we are competitors, to subject HE Kalonzo to some humiliating ‘interview’  is impunity. We must unite to eliminate the culture of political deceit, the hallmark of some politicians,” wrote Dr Ruto.

Read Also: Sakaja Picks Absa Boss James Muchiri as Running Mate

“Whatever the circumstances every leader deserves some dignity and respect. Heshima si utumwa.”

Wiper leader Kalonzo, Narc Kenya’s Martha Karua, former Gatanga MP Peter Kenneth, Governors Lee Kinyanjui (Nakuru) and Hassan Joho are among the notable names being considered as probable Raila running mates.

Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu, Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya, and Equity Bank’s James Mwangi are among the others.

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