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susan kihika

Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika. [Courtesy]

Governor Kihika Accused of Nominating Family, Friends to County Assembly

Nakuru Governor Susan Kihika has been accused of nominating family and close allies to the County Assembly.

According to former Bahati MP Kimani Ngunjiri, the county boss nominated her sister, nephew and friends to the assembly, unfairly locking out United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party loyalists.

The former legislator also warned that Kihika’s move would make it difficult to campaign for UDA in the next elections.

He said: “Governor Kihika na bwana yake, tafadhali kila mtu alipigania UDA. When you put your 22 year-old-nephew and sister in Bahati, mnaweka dereva wenu, mwalimu ya bwana yako… mnafanya kazi ya kuuza chama next time itakuwa ngumu. This is not fair.”

Read: Gloves Off As UDA’s MP Ngunjiri, Senator Kihika Campaign Against Each Other

This loosely translates to: “Governor Kihika and the husband, everyone fought for UDA please. When you appoint your 22-year-old nephew and sister in Bahati, you appoint your driver, your husband’s teacher…you are making it difficult to market the party next time. This is not fair.”

Ngunjiri further noted that Kihika has turned the party into a family affair when it should be serving all Kenyans.

“I think that is not fair. How will I sell that party next time? It will be difficult. People will say that UDA belongs to one family,” he continued.

Last week, senior counsel Ahmednasir Abdullahi said the nomination process for MPs, senators and MCAs had been turned into an auction.

Read Also: Senator Kihika Vows To Address Insecurity Issues in Nakuru As She Recounts Experience with “Confirm” Gang

“All political parties and IEBC should be ashamed for turning the nomination lists for MPs, Senators and MCA seats into an auction process where the highest bidders win the bid… Shame on you,” he said.

Last week, IEBC chair Wafula Chebukati gazetted the list of party nominees for the Senate, National Assembly, and county assemblies.

Parties named 12 National Assembly members, 16 women senatorial candidates, two youth senatorial representatives, and two candidates to represent people with disabilities in the Senate.

Raila Odinga’s ODM received three seats in the National Assembly, while UDA received five.

Read Also: UDA Nominates Volunteer Cook, Messenger to County Assembly

ANC, UDM, and Jubilee parties got one slot each. Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wiper was not yet given one because of a temporary court order prohibiting the commission from allocating the seat.

Kenya Kwanza has nominated ten people for the Senate, including two for marginalized group representatives and eight women.

ODM, meanwhile, received seven nomination seats, including five slots for women and two for marginalized groups.

Jubilee, Wiper, and UDM received a slot each.

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