The Political Press

The reality in Politics

governor kawira

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza. [COURTESY]

I’m Unconcerned – Governor Kawira After MCAs Approved Ouster Motion

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza is not moved by members of the county assembly’s threat to oust her.

This is after the MCAs on Tuesday approved an impeachment motion tabled by Abogeta West MCA Dennis Kiogora.

Sixty eight of sixty nine Ward Representatives signed the motion.

The former Woman Rep on Wednesday stated that the ouster motion has presented her with the perfect opportunity to lay bare the truth.

Read: 68 Meru MCAs Approve Impeachment Motion Against Governor Kawira

“We are not concerned about all these allegations flying around, we are busy working. Lawyers will face fellow lawyers but one thing for sure is that the truth cannot be hidden,” Kawira said.

“A day is coming and we will display for all and sundry so that the world knows the truth.”

The governor told residents that she has consistently continued to handle county operations, stating that since God gave her victory, no man can take it away.

“We are working na serikali ya mama iko imara. Yule anataka kusimamisha kazi yake kwa sababau ya siasa asimamishe lakini kila mtu atawajibika kivyake,” Kawira said.

Read Also: EACC Says Meru Governor Kawira’s Husband’s Issues Are “Trivial”

Loosely translates to: “My government is stable. He who wants to stall his work because of politics can go ahead but everyone will be individually held accountable.”

Mr Kiogora has accused the county boss of gross misconduct and abuse of office, saying she has engaged in a number of “discreditable acts”, creating a toxic environment and invited ridicule to the county.

She is also accused of violating 10 national and county laws including Public Officers Ethics Act, County Governments Act, Meru Youth Service Act, Public Appointments (County Assemblies Approval ) Act, and Fair Administrative Actions Act.

Others are the Employment Act, Leadership and Integrity Act, County Assemblies Powers and Privileges Act, Public Finance Management Act and Meru County Retention and Enhancement Fund Act. 

Read Also: Do Not Call Us – Meru MCAs Tell Residents After Ward Development Fund Declared Illegal

The former Woman Rep is specifically accused of breaking the law when she appointed her husband to the nonexistent office of hustlers ambassador and as the patron of the Meru Youth Service.

She is also charged with installing five unqualified people without following a fair hiring procedure to county offices.

The governor is also in trouble for appointing workers in defiance of the county governments Act and the constitution.

Additionally, Ms Kawira is charged with giving orders to ward and subcounty administrators to usurp the authority of the County Public Service Board.

Read Also: Meru MCAs Demand Public Apology From Governor Mwangaza

The motion also makes reference to the illegal termination of four county autonomous body heads prior to the end of their employment agreements.

The governor is also being impeached for making false claims about MCAs’ cartel-like behavior, corruption, greed, and extortion.

Further charges against Ms Kawira include “directing county government personnel to push the interests of Baite TV, a media outlet owned by her relatives.”

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