The Political Press

The reality in Politics

kawira mwangaza

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza. [COURTESY]

Impeached Meru Governor Kawira Claims Millions Spent on Ouster

Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza claims millions of shillings have been spent on her impeachment.

Taking to social media moments after 67 MCAs voted to remove her from office, the former Woman Rep said it took “a lot of energy, sleepless nights and sponsored headlines” to oust her.

“They have used millions of money, sleepless nights, a lot of energy, sponsored headlines, engaging public seriously, connections with different types of people, just to confirm what God wants them to do. A spiritual mission,” she wrote on Facebook.

Last week, the governor blamed Senator Kathuri Murungi for her woes.

Read: Meru MCAs Resume Impeachment Process Against Governor Kawira

Speaking at Ntirimiti, Buuri sub-county when she launched the construction of potato aggregation and storage centre, the county boss said the senator had kicked off his 2027 gubernatorial campaign.

Kawira said the deputy speaker in the Senate was not interested in seeing her and the Ward Reps call a truce.

She quoted the book of Isaiah 5:20 that says: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

She added: “What we need in Meru is peace and when you as a leader says peace is bad then you are doomed.”

Read Also: Reprieve for Governor Kawira as Court Bars Impeachment Motion

MCAs impeached the governor who has been in office for 112 days over nepotism, illegal appointments, unlawful dismissals, insubordination, contempt of court and illegal dismissals, incitement, bullying, vilification, and misleading campaigns against other leaders.

In the motion tabled by Abogeta West MCA Dennis Kiogora, the lawmakers also cited forceful entry into the Assembly precincts and mobilisation of unlawful riots against members of the Assembly, violation of public finance management law, and misconduct relating to the nomination of County Executive Committee (CEC) members, as grounds for impeachment.

Kawira who was supposed to appear before the House to defend herself, declined the invitation.

Instead, the former County MP said the Assembly standing orders prohibit the MCAs from dealing with any matter that is before the court.

“Proceeding with the same shall be deemed as contempt of court which shall attract the appropriate legal action against any contemnors who shall be held personally liable,” her lawyer told Speaker Ayub Bundi.

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