The Political Press

The reality in Politics

jematia kamket

Baringo Woman Representative Florence Jematia. [COURTESY]

Baringo Woman Rep Jematia Dares Kamket to Sue Her Over Alleged Defamatory Remarks

Baringo Woman Representative Florence Jematia has dared Tiaty MP William Kamket to sue her over alleged defamatory statements uttered against him.

Jematia through Tunen and Simatwo Company Advocates has denied being privy to videos in which she was captured slandering the second time MP.

“Our client has painstakingly gone through the contents of your letter and we wish to state that our client is not privy to any videos that have gone viral in which she has allegedly slandered your client,” her response reads in part.

According to the former East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) MP, Mr Kamket has not shown any commitment to ending banditry within the region.

Read: Tiaty MP Kamket Threatens to Sue Jematia For Linking Him To Banditry

“It is worth noting that your client has been a perpetual absentee during discussions of such crucial issues,” the response continues.

She also states that her colleague is attempting to find a scapegoat in her. The controversial County MP also asserts that Mr Kamket has not clearly shown how she defamed him.

“Your client is advised to stop living in oblivion and tackle the issue of banditry. Take notice that our client instructs us to deny the allegations in your letter in totality and does not admit liability,” continues Jematia’s letter.

In October, Mr Kamket threatened to take legal action against the County MP for linking him to banditry in Baringo.

Read Also: Tiaty MP William Kamket To Sue State For Sh100 Million Over Unlawful Arrest

The legislator said that on October 12 during a public meeting, Ms Jematia made statements that, in his opinion, were spiteful and exposed him to criticism and contempt from the public.

The legislator argued through lawyer Kipkoech Ngetich, that the said statements implied that he was to blame for the banditry threat in the unrest-plagued region of Rift Valley.

“Your pronouncements have not only lowered our clients reputation but also destroyed him completely as an internationally renowned journalist, respected legislator, bastion for the rights of the minority  and marginalized, husband leader and father,” the letter read in part.

Mr Kamket gave the Woman Rep 48 hours to issue an apology in the same kind and form that they were published.

Read Also: Gideon Moi Unable to Return to Local Politics, Will Not Defend Baringo Senate Seat

Mr Kamket then threatened to file a defamation suit against Ms Jematia should she fail to apologize.

“Our firm and mandatory instructions are therefore to demand, which we hereby do, that you admit liability for the defamatory actions on your part after which we shall deliberate on the quantum of damages,” continued the demand letter.

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