The Political Press

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wainaina jungle

Thika Town MP Wainaina Jungle Pays UDA Ticket Fees. [Courtesy]

Change of Heart for Thika Town MP “Jungle” as he Rejoins UDA, To Vie for Kiambu Governor Seat

Thika Town MP  Patrick Wainaina alias Jungle has had a change of heart and is now a member of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party.

The lawmaker who is eyeing the Kiambu governor seat is said to have paid requisite UDA party fees on Monday.

Jungle had earlier ditched the deputy President William Ruto and was allegedly going to go at it as an independent candidate.

On rejoining the “Hustler Nation”, the legislator said, “It is true, this is where we are. Let’s go to work now.”

Read: Thika Town MP Wainaina “Jungle” Dumps UDA Over DP Ruto’s Unmet Financial Promises

In January, Jungle is said to have ditched the party in December last year, barely two months after he joined the party during a highly publicized Kiambaa rally.

The first-time MP had gone as far as rebranding his campaign trucks which were previously painted yellow to represent the UDA party.

Asked whether the rumours were true, Jungle said, “We are independent.”

Those in the know said the MP left because the DP was yet to meet his financial promises to his (Jungle) constituents.

Read Also: Moses Kuria to Run for Kiambu Governor Seat

“The MP was forced to dip into his pocket to pay millions the DP had pledged to women and youth groups as part of his empowerment programme in Thika and Gatundu North where he hosted the DP,” said the source who sought anonymity.

Wainaina who is known for erecting boda boda sheds all over the county and distributing avocado and macadamia seedlings to farmers, has his sights set on the governorship.

The race has attracted political heavyweights like Senator Kimani Wamatangi, Assembly Speaker Stephen Ndicho, former Governor Ferdinand Waititu ‘Baba yao’, first county boss Wiliam Kabogo and Governor James Nyoro.

Nyoro is in the Azimio la Umoja movement led by ODM’s Raila Odinga, Baba Yao in UDA, Kabogo is the party leader of Tujibebe Party while the rest are yet to align themselves to any political outfit.

Read Also: Kiambu Governor Race Hots Up as Kabogo Throws Hat in Ring

Complicating the race further is the latest entrant, Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria who announced his bid on Saturday via social media.

Kuria who touched down on February 19 after spending 144 days in a Dubai hospital, said the people had requested him to run for the county top seat.

“The voice of the people is the voice of God. So help me God. Under your wings I feel safe,” Kuria said via Facebook.

Kuria had earlier announced that he will not be going for any elective seat in the August polls.

He will be vying on a Chama cha Kazi (CCK) ticket.

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