The Political Press

The reality in Politics


Murang'a Governor Irungu Kang'ata. [COURTESY]

Kang’ata To Receive Sh12 Million From Two Media Houses Over Defamatory Publications

Murang’a Governor Irungu Kang’ata is set to receive Sh12.5 million from two media companies over defamatory articles.

The county boss will receive the monies from Royal Media Services (RMS) and Mediamax Limited after they published articles claiming that he had addressed the senate from a bar.

Kang’ata who was then the senator for Murang’a said the clips shared by the two companies were fake and lowered his reputation.

According to the county chief, he had in September last year attempted to address the House from his car but then speaker, Ken Lusaka, demanded that he make his address in person.

Read: Race for Murang’a Assembly Speaker Attracts Six Candidates

Dr Kang’ata wished to address the senate regarding the plight of Murang’a farmers.

In the proceedings brought before the Milimani magistrates court, the former Kiharu MP claimed that the articles linked him to morally repugnant behavior.

The two media outlets had refuted the allegations and stood by their publications, claiming they had been written in good faith, without malice, and without any intent to harm Dr Kang’ata’s reputation.

However, an out-of-court agreement between the governor and the two media outlets resulted in RMS agreeing to pay Dr Kang’ata Sh6 million while Mediamax paid him Sh6.5 million.

Read Also: How 29-year-old Munania Became Governor Kang’ata’s Deputy

The words chosen by radio stations like Kameme, according to Dr Kang’ata, were sensationally broadcast at a time when political activity was at its peak and a year before the general election.

The governor asserted that he is a devout Christian, husband, father of four school-going children, a mentor, and a moral compass.

Dr Kang’ata told the court that the following morning, the radio station continued to debate the purported transcript and welcomed callers who further scandalized Dr Kang’ata.

He claimed to have given the stations an unedited copy of the transcripts and unsuccessfully pleaded with the media outlets to remove the offensive articles.

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