The Political Press

The reality in Politics

martha karua

Narc Kenya Party Leader Martha Karua with ODM Leader Raila Odinga. [Courtesy]

Narc Kenya’s Martha Karua Backs Raila for President

Narc Kenya will support a Raila Odinga presidency, party leader Martha Karua has announced.

Speaking at Serena Hotel on Wednesday, Karua said she identified the side with the largest number of good people before reaching the decision which she said was “easy”.

The ODM leader held talks with the “Iron lady” prior to their much awaited press conference.

“I’m here to confirm that from now onwards, Narc Kenya and I are supporting the Azimio La Umoja flagbearer Raila Odinga for the presidency,” she said.

Read: Martha Karua to Join Coalition with “Majority Good People”

‘We must look for leaders who have a demonstrated track record of being selfless, leaders who can fulfil promises.”

The Kirinyaga gubernatorial aspirant also noted that she and the Azimio leader have had their differences in the past but have always ironed them out.

“I have been in the trenches with the Azimio Presidential flagbearer, we’ve come a long way in the fight for the second liberation, the fight for the constitution, and when we have had disagreements, we’ve been able to overcome them in the interest of the people,” she asserted.

Karua stated that she will popularize a Raila presidency starting today.

Read Also: Ruto-Karua Ticket Best Bet For Poor Kenyans – Moses Kuria

She praised the opposition leader as the finest option for the country, promising to rally her people behind him.

The secretary-general of the party said that the party has decided to hold talks with the ODM leader about the prospect of working together ahead of the August 9 elections.

“The party has resolved to start having a conversation on working together with the leader of the Azimio,” Narc Kenya secretary general said.

The former prime minister on his part noted that Karua is a tried and tested leader who stood firm in the quest for liberation when fewer dared to.

Read Also: Martha Karua Denies Labelling Kalonzo, Gideon as “Traitors”

“Martha Karua has paid a heavy price in the struggle for the second liberation of this country; she stood firm when very few dared,” he said.

“She is a general in the struggle, she wears scars of the struggle proudly. I feel very proud to receive Martha on this side of the divide. I don’t think she had any other choice, because the difference between this side and the other one, is like day and night,” he said to the amusement of the crowd.

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