The Political Press

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Sonko Gets Direct Wiper Ticket for Mombasa Gubernatorial Race

Kalonzo Musyoka, the leader of the Wiper party, has handed the party ticket for Mombasa governor race to Mike Sonko.

Kalonzo on Thursday said the move came following a consensus between Sonko and Kisauni MP Ali Mboga.

“Our consensus efforts continue to bear fruit. The National Elections Board is very pleased to announce that Mike Sonko and Ali Mboga have agreed to work together to deliver Mombasa County Governorship,” Kalonzo said.

He added the Kisauni MP agreed to deputize Sonko after shelving his own gubernatorial ambition.

Read: Sonko To Compete for Mombasa Governor Seat in August Polls

Kalonzo voiced his belief that the Wiper team will win the governorship election in the coastal city.

This puts to rest the rumours that had been circulating about the party’s ticket.

Initially, Kalonzo had handed the ticket to the Kisauni legislator during the party’s NDC meeting at the Bomas of Kenya.

Sonko will now face off against ODM candidate Abdulswamad Nassir and former Mombasa Senator Hassan Omar, who will be running on DP William Ruto’s UDA ticket.

Read Also: UDA Mistreated me – Sonko on Why He Joined Wiper

On April 11, Sonko’s name was submitted to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) as one of those cleared to participate in the party primaries by the Wiper Democratic Movement.

The former Nairobi Governor joined Wiper on March 25 after ditching President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee and being frustrated by deputy president William Ruto’s UDA.

Sonko was impeached in December 2020, with 88 MCAs voting in favor and only two voting against the censure motion.

He was charged with violations of the Constitution and other laws, as well as abuse of office, commission of crimes under national laws and lacking the mental capability to run the county government.

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