The Political Press

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Nakuru Governor Lee Kinyanjui. [Courtesy]

Oparanya, Lee Kinyanjui, CS Munya Added to List of Raila Running Mate Candidates

Three more names have been added to the initial shortlist of eight by the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya panel tasked with identifying a suitable running mate for the coalition party’s presidential flagbearer Raila Odinga.

Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Peter Munya (PNU), Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya (ODM), and his Nakuru counterpart Lee Kinyanjui are the new additions.

In a statement released on Saturday, panel chairperson Dr Noah Wekesa said the names were missing from the initial shortlist because they may have been given to the campaign secretariat, which may not have communicated properly.

They now join; Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka (Wiper), Sabina Chege (Jubilee), Martha Karua (NARC Kenya), Charity Ngilu (NARC), Peter Kenneth (Jubilee), Gideon Moi (KANU), Ali Hassan Joho (ODM) and Stephen Kipkiyeny Torus (National Liberal Party).

Read: Gideon Moi Backs Kalonzo’s Running Mate Bid

According to Wekesa, the 11 are from the 20 applications received earlier on in the week.

“After the release of the press statement reporting the progress of the work of the panel in this regard, the panel received various complaints from nominating constituent parties who said that their applications had not been considered and their candidates had been unfairly locked out,” he said.

“Upon inquiry into this matter this morning, the panel has established that there were applications that had been submitted to the Campaign Secretariat and had unfortunately not been forwarded to the panel as no such communication had been anticipated.”

Dr Wekesa also stated that the panel has decided on criteria for evaluating the candidates in order to select the top three.

Read Also: Prof Makau Mutua Dares DP Ruto to Name Kalonzo as his Running Mate

The three will then be presented to Odinga, the coalition’s presidential candidate, in order of priority.

The 11 candidates will appear in front of the panel on May 9 and 10, after which the Dr Wekesa-led team will wrap up its work.

It, however, remains to be seen if Kalonzo will appear before the panel.

The former vice president has been adamant about not subjecting himself to the vetting process.

Read Also: Kalonzo Deserves Respect – DP Ruto Chides Azimio Over Running Mate Interviews

He has maintained that he is qualified for the job and hence no reason to be interviewed by his “juniors”.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has given presidential candidates until May 16 to name their running mates.

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