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presidential term limit

Fafi MP Salah Yakub. [COURTESY]

UDA MP Salah Yakub Reveals Plan to Scrap Presidential Term Limit

A United Democratic Alliance (UDA) MP has revealed plans to remove the presidential term limit specially the age.

Fafi MP Salah Yakub said that some UDA legislators are working on a constitutional amendment bill that will replace the two-term limit with a 75-year age limit.

If the MPs get their way, President Dr William Ruto will run for reelection for four terms, or will be in office for 20 years. Dr Ruto is 55 years old.

The legislator, however, remained cagey on who was working on the amendment Bill.

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According to the legislator, the constitutional change Bill must be written by the proposers and sent to Parliament for approval.

“We want to tell Kenyans that the limit on two terms should be relooked. We want it to be changed to an age limit where when one gets to 75 years then he or she cannot contest,” he said over the weekend.

“We will come up with an amendment Bill to try to change this because we want the requirement to be on age limit and not terms. If a president is doing a good job, then he or she should not be limited by the terms.”

Article 142 of the Constitution states that the President shall occupy office for a term commencing on the date of the President’s inauguration and will end when the next elected President is sworn in. An individual may not serve as president for more than two terms, the law states.

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If the term limitations are replaced with an age limit, President Ruto, for example, would be able to run in the elections of 2027, 2032, and 2037.

Minority leader in the National Assembly Junet Mohamed laughed off the ploy saying Kenya Kwanza MPs will stop the “monkey business” once they realize that they have work to do.

Makueni Senator Dan Maanzo said the amendment will not pass if brought to the floor of the House.

“Where will such an amendment pass through? He is just looking for cheap publicity. It will be a waste of time,” said the senator.

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Such a proposal would need to be supported by a simple majority of Kenyans in a referendum as well as two-thirds in both Houses of Parliament.

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