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azimio senators

Azimio Senators Deny there are cracks within the coalition. [COURTESY]

Azimio Allied Senators Dispel Division Claims

Senators allied to the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance coalition party have denied allegations that the coalition is divided.

Narok senator Ledama Olekina on Monday said that the Raila Odinga-led coalition is still intact.

The firebrand legislator asserted that they met with the coalition’s leaders Raila, Kalonzo Musyoka, and Uhuru Kenyatta on Monday morning and gave them assurances that there are no disagreements among the leaders of Azimio in the Senate.

Other senators including Minority Leader Stewart Madzayo, Fatuma Dullo and Enock Wambua maintained that the reports are false.

Read: Senators Dullo, Sifuna Brawl Over Minority Whip Position

“We have consulted among ourselves and our principals and we are united and no divisions at all and nothing should cause alarm. We met Raila, Uhuru and Kalonzo Musyoka this morning. There is only one voice who will speak on azimio in the Senate, nobody else,” said Madzayo. 

This comes days after Nairobi senator Edwin Sifuna and Isiolo’s Dullo traded barbs over the minority whip poistion.

The ODM secretary general on Friday said that Dullo would be ousted due to alleged “greed and gross incompetence.” He said that the third-time senator was not competent enough to hold office.

“From what she has done, her conscious should direct her to resign, otherwise, we are going for her,” Sifuna said.

Read Also: Jubilee Threatens to Exit Azimio Over PSC Slot

He added: “She has proved it herself [incompetence]. She is grossly incompetent from the way she handled the affairs of that office. She has to go.”

The Isiolo senator on her part accused the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) secretary general of resorting to “gang attacking and arm-twisting”.

This she said as she claimed that he was only seeking to have her ousted as he wanted the position for himself.

“He wants the position for himself. But he should know that it is not a matter of life and death for me. If I am to leave, it is not him to decide. It is the Azimio principals who gave me the job,” she said.

Read Also: Kanu to Reconsider Position in Azimio After Being Locked Out of EALA Race

“I am serving my third term. I was in the leadership in the last House. I have a master’s in law. Who else is more qualified than me when it comes to experience?” 

Dullo, however, stated that she should she kicked out of office, the position will still go to a member of retired President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee Party.

“He is used to arm-twisting and gang-attacking people. Let him try that elsewhere.  He is bitter with me because he wanted that position and mzee [Raila Odinga], denied him,” she continued.

“Sifuna must know how to relate with people. He is a junior member, only three months old in the House. He cannot make decisions for Azimio.”

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