The Political Press

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fatuma gedi

Former Wajir Woman Rep Fatuma Gedi. [Courtesy]

Gedi, Raila’s Nephew Midiwo Among Seven Nominated for CRA Positions

ODM leader Raila Odinga’s nephew George Midiwo and former Wajir Woman Representative Fatuma Gedi have been picked for Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) positions.

The two were chosen to represent the minority in Parliament by the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya alliance coalition party, a notice by National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula shows.

Midiwo applied for a slot in the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) but was not chosen by Azimio, whereas Gedi lost the election.

In August, Gedi lost in her campaign to retain the Wajir county seat on a Jubilee ticket.

Read: Fatuma Gedi To Table Evidence Linking DP Ruto to Land Grabbing on Thursday

Before their names are presented to the National Assembly plenary for approval or rejection, the nominees will have to be vetted by the Departmental Committee on Finance and National Planning.

“Upon Assembly f the House on Tuesday November 29, 2022 I shall convey the names to the assembled House,” Wetangula said in his communication.

President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza Alliance has settled for Benedict Muasya Mutiso, Wilfred Koitamet Ole Kina, Vincent Kuko, Isabel Nyambura and Hadija Juma.

Seven CRA commissioners were proposed by political parties in accordance with Article 215 of the Constitution.

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The majority party is entitled to five slots, whereas the minority party gets two slots.

Parliament is expected to vet the nominees before the existing commissioners’ tenure ends on December 31.

According to the nomination criteria, two members are nominated by the political parties to represent the National Assembly based on their numerical strength.

Five persons are nominated by political parties represented in the Senate – also according to their proportion.

Read Also: Wetangula Receives Azimio Defectors as He Seeks to Strengthen Ford-Kenya

The President will nominate the chairperson, and the National Assembly will approve it.

The principal secretary of the Treasury is a member of the panel.

President William Ruto and Raila’s allies dominated the list of 139 people who applied to join the commission through the Senate.

They were also among the 37 applicants for the National Assembly.

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