The Political Press

The reality in Politics


KANU Chairman Gideon Moi. [Courtesy]

Kanu Still in Azimio – Okang’o Responds to Senator Maanzo

Kenya African National Union (KANU) political affairs secretary Fred Okang’o has refuted assertions that the party had quit the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance coalition party.

In a statement on Monday, Okang’o indicated the founding party is solidly with the opposition coalition. in response to senator Dan Maanzo of Makueni’s comments.

Okang’o was responding to Makueni Senator Dan Maanzo’s remarks in which he indicated that ODM and Wiper were the only two parties still in the alliance.

“My good friend Hon Maanzo cannot say that Azimio One Kenya currently consists of only ODM and Wiper and the rest are in KK! No. We Kanu are firmly in Azimio,” said Okang’o.

Read: Kanu Member Wants Salat Expelled For Joining Ruto’s UDA

The Raila Odinga-led outfit is currently made up of ODM, Jubilee, Wiper, Kanu, DAP-K and Narc Kenya among other parties.

Other fringe parties quit the coalition shortly after William Ruto became President. The head of state has been accused of attempting to weaken the opposition.

The Kenya Kwanza Alliance leader has in the past weeks been holding meetings with lawmakers from Jubilee and ODM parties.

Gideon Moi’s party is yet to grace the anti-Ruto rallies that have been taking place for the last five weeks.

Read Also: Kanu Suspends Secretary General Nick Salat

The Wiper party led by Kalonzo Musyoka on Sunday declared that it intends to remain in the Azimio coalition.

Kalonzo reprimanded the Kenya Kwanza leadership for attempting to ‘buy off’ its members. He accused the current regime of attempting to turn the nation into a one-party state.

“In an effort to legitimise their fraud, the Executive has made many attempts to divide the Azimio-One Kenya coalition. They have openly used public institutions and resources to entice individual members “in the name of development” to break ranks with their political parties,” Kalonzo said.

“They have systematically tried to erode all the gains of multiparty democracy and take this nation back to a one-party state.”

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