The Political Press

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how raila lost

Raila Odinga with Kalonzo Musyoka. [Courtesy]

Blame Game As Raila Allies Reveal How He Lost to President Ruto

Four months after the August 9 polls, the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance coalition party is telling how their presidential candidate lost the elections.

Raila Odinga was vying for the presidency for the fifth time but this time he had the backing of the government. He had retired President Uhuru Kenyatta in his corner as well as the “deep state”.

His running mate, Narc Kenya party leader Martha Karua, hailed from the vote-rich Mt Kenya region, a clear indication that the former prime minister would finally make it to the House on the Hill.

But as fate would have it, Raila lost to former deputy president William Ruto.

Read: Raila Warns Gov’t Against Disrupting Kamukunji Rally

Speaking to NTV, Raila’s allies claim the ODM party leader lost over different reasons including mismanagement of funds meant for the agents.

In an investigative piece dubbed “How Raila Lost”, the former prime minister’s chief agent Kanchory Saitabao said Raila lost because he only listened to Suna East MP Junet Mohamed.

Also being blamed for the loss is former ICT CS Joe Mucheru and Prof Makau Mutua who was the spokesperson for the Raila presidential campaign secretariat.

“We could not have lost the presidential election were it not for the three. I will tell you how they contributed to the defeat because they are the people I worked with and I respect them, but they take the highest responsibility for the loss,” said Mr Kanchory.

Read Also: Raila To Reveal What Transpired During August 9 Polls at Kamukunji

But according to Embakasi East MP Babu Owino, Junet was not to blame for the loss that shook Raila’s supporters.

Babu said the loss was caused by individuals in Azimio who he declined to name, as former Ndaragwa MP Jeremiah Kioni blamed the Independent Election and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).

“People are fighting Junet for no reason. I can tell you the truth of this matter. Do you think Junet would just let this go and forgo his dream in Baba’s government?” posed Babu.

“Junet would have made more money in Baba’s government but there is always someone who has to carry the cross and that is why the cross was put on Junet’s back.”

Read Also: Ruto Already Plotting to Rig 2027 Elections – Raila Claims

The MP also alleged that Uhuru and President Ruto were not really fighting but rather conned the Orange party leader.

“What reason do the two have to fallout. Ruto has been having Uhuru’s back since 2002 and the even went to Hague together,” he explained.

“Sitaki kuskia story ya Uhuru na hii  election sitaki hata kusikia. (Personally, I don’t want to hear about Uhuru when it comes to this election).”

The firebrand also stated that he had asked former Interior PS Karanja Kibicho to arrest IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati for bungling the election. The PS, Babu said, urged him to refrain from being confrontational.

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