The Political Press

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munya pnu

Agriculture CS Peter Munya. [Courtesy]

Ex-PNU Official Drags Munya to Court Over Azimio Deal

In a dispute seen as an extension of the dominance conflicts between Agriculture CS Peter Munya and Laikipia governor Ndiritu Muriithi, a disgruntled member of the Party of National Unity (PNU) has moved to court to question the method used to join the Azimio la Umoja Movement.

Kevin Kariuki, who served as the PNU’s national deputy secretary general until last month, has filed a complaint with the Political Parties Disputes Tribunal (PPDT) accusing CS Munya of orchestrating his expulsion, along with five others, for political purposes.

Mr Kariuki argues that on February 24, at a meeting of the party delegates held in Bomas, Munya stepped to the podium and stated that the six posts on the National Executive Committee had been declared vacant.

At the same gathering, the party decided to join the Azimio la Umoja Movement, which is led by Raila Odinga and backed by President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Read: PNU Members Fault CS Munya for Posing as Party Leader

The petitioner claims that the announcement of his expulsion was made in violation of the party constitution, natural justice principles, and was not backed up by any legal authority.

He has sued John Okemwa Anunda, the PNU secretary general, David Nganga Kamau, the PNU chairman, Munya, and the party as fourth respondent, alleging that they refused to release information relevant to the resolutions that led to his dismissal and the removal of five others.

“The respondents may proceed to implement the resolutions of the party on the removal of officials to the detriment of the complainant,” court documents read.

He claims that he was elected to his position during a party election in May 2019 and that he was supposed to complete a five-year term that was supposed to end in May 2024.

Read Also: I Will Not Resign – CS Munya After Reflecting on Political Journey

Kariuki believes that Munya’s actions were illegal, irregular, and unprocedural, and is seeking an injunction to prevent any decisions to remove him from office from being implemented.

“My removal was ill motivated and made in bad faith without following any due process. In any case the CS is not an official of the party and so he had no authority, mandate or power to make such an announcement,” Kariuki swore.

He claims that his and five others’ removal did not follow the PNU constitution, which lays out the procedure for the removal of national officers.

He claims that because Munya is not allowed to be a member of a political party as a Cabinet Secretary, had no authorization to take the podium and make the statement.

Read Also: Laikipia Governor Nderitu Muriithi To Defend Seat on PNU Ticket

Desma Nungo, the chairperson of the PPDT, declared the matter urgent and ordered Kariuki to serve Munya.

Munya has five days from the date of service to file his reply.

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