The Political Press

The reality in Politics

Extend Handshake to Ruto – Waiguru urges President Uhuru

President Uhuru Kenyatta should extend a reconciliatory handshake to his deputy William Ruto, Kirinyaga county governor Anne Waiguru has said.

This comes after accusations surfaced that Ruto was plotting to impeach President Uhuru.

Waiguru, while defending Ruto, advised Kenyans to disregard the claims, calling them “propaganda.”

She chastised the president’s advisers for leading him astray and fabricating innuendos to smear the DP’s character.

Read: Anne Waiguru: Small Time Girl from Kariobangi Scaling Political Heights

“Some characters surrounding the president have for umpteenth times hatched plans to malign DP Ruto’s name. But it has been hitting a snag all through.

“All I can advise you our dear president is for you to extend a handshake with your deputy because the love that Kenyans have for Ruto is immeasurable.”

Even after he swore himself in, the county chief stated it was conceivable to extend an olive branch to Ruto, as he did with Raila.

“Those who wanted to overthrow your government are well known. There is evidence to that effect and it was well shown in broad daylight.

Read Also: Ngirici is Naïve, Governor Waiguru Claims

“Even after he illegally swore himself, you still had a place in your heart to forgive him and close ranks with him. If that was possible, what of a person who helped you achieve the presidency?” she posed.

Waiguru went on to say that the president should stay away from politics so that Ruto may take on Raila.

Kenya Kwanza and Azimio la Umoja, she added, were in a two-horse in the upcoming polls.

She went on to claim that she believes Ruto will win the presidency since he is well-liked by Kenyans.

Read Also: Shame On You – Ruto Slams President Uhuru Over Impeachment Claims

Waiguru went on to accuse Interior PS Karanja Kibicho of allegedly attempting to sabotage her candidacy while speaking in Ndia.

“He may use intimidation but that will not bar the people of Kirinyaga from re-electing me,” she said.

Waiguru also urged her opponents to state their positions clearly and avoid fence-sitting.

“There are those claiming to be independent candidates yet they are being funded by Azimio la Umoja. We want them to publicly announce where they stand.”

Read Also: Uhuru Reveals Ploy by Ruto to Impeach Him

She also chastised Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua, claiming that she chose national politics after sensing defeat in the county governorship election.

Waiguru promised that the UDA nominations slated for April 15 will be conducted in an open and transparent manner.

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