The Political Press

The reality in Politics

Facebook Increases Control On Political Ads In Kenya Ahead Of 2022

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Facebook has announced the expansion of two initiatives focused on increasing transparency and controls on social issues, electoral, and political ads to more countries around the world, including Ethiopia and Kenya who are facing elections this May and 2022 respectively. 

The first one is focused on empowering people to have more control over the ads they see on their feeds which entails the creation of controls that enable people to see fewer social issues, electoral, and political ads.

“When people use this control, they’ll no longer see ads that run with a “Paid for by” disclaimer. Political ads play an important role in every election. The feedback received from Facebook users was that they wanted the option to see fewer of these on their Facebook and Instagram feeds,” said Facebook’s Policy Director, Africa Kojo Boakye.

This expansion follows the rollout in the US and Brazil in 2020 and covers an additional 98 countries including Ethiopia and Kenya which will hold general elections this May and in 2022 respectively.

To enable the social issue, electoral, and political ads controls, people can adjust their ad topic preferences:

  1. Visit Ad Preferences then click Ad Topics.
  2. Under the list of Ad Topics, you’ll see a list of topics including Social Issues, Elections or Politics.
  3. Across from Social Issues, Elections or Politics, click See Fewer.

In addition, Facebook is expanding the enforcement of social issues, electoral, and political ads to 20 additional countries.

Previously, advertisers in these countries may have chosen to use these tools. Now, they will be required to go through the authorization process and place “Paid for by” disclaimers on their ads. This includes any person creating, modifying, publishing or pausing ads that reference political figures, political parties or elections (including “get out the vote” campaigns).

Ads will also be entered into Facebook’s Ad Library for seven years.

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