The Political Press

The reality in Politics


Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna. [COURTESY]

Jubilee Underdelivered – Sifuna Says As Mt Kenya Leaders Seek to Cut Ties with Raila

The cracks in the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance coalition party continue to widen after retired President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Jubilee party threatened to exit.

In response, Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) secretary general and Nairobi senator Edwin Sifuna has blasted Jubilee for overpromising and underdelivering.

According to Sifuna, the move by Jubilee was laughable because they did not deliver in terms of votes. Sifuna said the Uhuru-led party promised Raila Odinga 2.4 million votes in the August polls but only delivered 490,000 more votes than he got in 2017.

“It’s actually laughable to say they paid the debt when its public knowledge that Jubilee over promised and under-delivered in terms of numbers in Mt. Kenya,” said the legislator.

Read: Jubilee Threatens to Exit Azimio Over PSC Slot

Mt Kenya, Sifuna explained, got the running mate slot, and was promised half the government but still did not deliver their side of the deal.

He also stated that the region got the Orange party to cede the Nairobi governorship.

“This is in spite of Mzee giving them the running mate slot and the assurance of the entire Mt Kenya establishment being behind us,” he stated.

“Mind you they in turn were promised over 50 per cent of government in addition to ODM ceding the Nairobi governors slot.”

Leaders of Mount Kenya in Azimio, including Secretary General of the Jubilee Party Jeremiah Kioni, have declared their intention to leave Raila, claiming that the political debt has already been settled.

The only reason Raila did not win, according to Kioni, is that fewer people than anticipated did not cast ballots for him in his Nyanza backyard.

He continued by saying that Mount Kenya had contributed by giving Raila the most votes, far more than he had ever received from the area throughout his tenure.

The eleven counties that make up the vote-rich region gave around 800,000 votes to Raila.

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