The Political Press

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kivutha kibwana

Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana with Narc Kenya Leader Martha Karua. [Courtesy]

Kivutha Kibwana: Wiper Still Welcome to Azimio If It Drops Endless Demands

Governor of Makueni Kivutha Kibwana has urged the Wiper party to abandon its never-ending demands and return to Azimio la Umoja.

In a tweet on Thursday, Kibwana claimed the party still has a chance to negotiate with the Azimio administration alongside other Ukambani parties.

“Waita Nzioka, Charity Ngilu and I still welcome Wiper to Azimio. However, all the parties which are campaigning for the fifth in Ukamabni will sit with the candidate and his deputy to agree on development and the face of government for the region,” Kibwana tweeted.

“No more endless demands,” he said.

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka said on Monday that Wiper had broken ties with the Azimio la Umoja coalitian after Narc Kenya leader Martha Karua was chosen as the running mate.

Kalonzo declared his candidacy for president and named Andrew Sunkuli as his running mate.

After a falling out with Kalonzo in August 2021, Kibwana left Wiper and joined the Muungano Group, an affiliate party of Azimio.

His demands that the Wiper party, and by extension, Kalonzo, stop making demands on Azimio, put pressure on the former Vice President to reconsider his decision to dump Azimio.

Read: Kalonzo Wants Me Out of Azimio – Kivutha Kibwana Claims

On May 9, Nzioka Waita, a Machakos governor candidate, appealed to Kalonzo to reconsider his hard stance on the Azimio la Umoja deputy post.

Waita warned Wiper’s boss that his “my way or the highway” mindset risks isolating the Kamba people in the opposition after the August elections.

“If Azimio succumbs to this blackmail, we the Kamba Nation better book an early seat on the opposition benches where we shall sit for another 10 years,” he said.

Echoing his sentiments was Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu who termed Kalonzo’s move to bolt out of Azimio as selfish.

Read Also: Ngilu Faults Kalonzo for Ditching Azimio, Being Selfish

Speaking to KTN News, the county boss said the move will alienate the Kamba community in terms of development if Raila wins the presidency.

“Kalonzo leaving Azimio, I think is a very selfish way of looking at leadership in the sense that the Kamba has been out of the national government for the last 10 years, almost 15 years since 2007 when he ran himself,” she said.

The Narc party leader stated that the former vice president should have placed the people’s interests first and backed Raila as he had promised.

“I don’t believe Kalonzo came to Azimio to be appointed as the deputy president. When we met on the 12th of March in Jacaranda, he signed as a member of Azimio and said he would support Raila for the president unconditionally,” she explained.

“But thereafter he must have been misadvised by somebody that, go for the DP position.”

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