The Political Press

The reality in Politics

Mudavadi Refutes Claims He Could Not Finance Presidential Campaigns

ANC party leader Musalia Mudavadi has denied claims that he could not raise funds to finance his presidential candidacy.

Through his personal secretary Kibisu Kabatesi, Mudavadi who just flew in from the UK, also refuted claims that he joined forces with deputy President William Ruto.

The former deputy prime minister explained that it was he (Ruto) that joined the Kenya Kwanza Coalition (KKC).

“Mudavadi is the originator of KKC (Kenya Kwanza Coalition) which he invited the other partners to join (including Deputy President William Ruto). The notion that any partner joined the other is therefore erroneous,” explained Kabatesi.

Read: Mudavadi Could Not Fund Presidential Campaign – MP Agoi on Why He Teamed up with DP Ruto

“Whereas UDA dreams of empowering those at the lower end of our economy, ANC proposes economic revival that will put extra more money into people’s pockets, while Ford Kenya champions for equity in access to development resources. The collective theme in KKC is a working economy for every Kenyan.”

He was responding to claims by Sabatia MP Alfred Agoi who said that his boss could not afford to run for the presidency hence his working with DP Ruto.

According to Agoi, Mudavadi had been out of the political game for a long time and could not have fought for the top job against Ruto and ODM leader Raila Odinga, who are both using government funds.

“Deputy President William Ruto has an allocation in his office that can help him run his presidential campaign. Raila is now leaning towards President Uhuru Kenyatta, but Mudavadi has nowhere,” Agoi said.

Read Also: Mudavadi Wants Atwoli Arrested Over Life Threatening Remarks

“So there was no way Mudavadi could have managed to face off these two people on the ballot with government resources.”

Agoi, speaking in Emuhaya on Tuesday, said the ANC leader joined the DP after recognizing he could not generate enough funds to support his presidential campaign.

The legislator, on the other hand, indicated that at the moment, the only practical alternative for Mr Mudavadi and his team was to negotiate an agreement with the Deputy President and form a coalition to ensure that they had a say in the next government.

“Those who defected from ANC cannot be trusted. They did it because of their personal selfish interests,” said the Sabatia MP.

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