The Political Press

The reality in Politics

peter ketyenya

Former Nakuru CEC Peter Ketyenya. [Courtesy]

Ex-Nakuru CEC Ketyenya Drops Parliamentary Bid, Drums Up Support for Susan Kihika

Immediate former County Executive Committee Member (CECM) for Finance Peter Ketyenya on Tuesday endorsed Senator Susan Kihika to unseat his former employer Governor Lee Kinyanjui in the Nakuru governorship contest.

Ketyenya also abandoned his quest for the Kuresoi parliamentary contest “to focus on assisting Kihika win the seat,” prompting speculation that he had been promised the position of running mate.

Ketyenya announced his resignation from the race by saying he had been appointed as an economic counselor to Deputy President William Ruto’s presidential team.

“This is a great platform that we will use to actualize the Bottom-up Economic Model that will revive the dwindling economy of this country and put money in the pocket of every Kenyan,” he said. “I am grateful to my people of Kuresoi and Nakuru for the support that you have accorded me in the past.”

Read: Tabitha Karanja Set To Leave Keroche to Concentrate On Nakuru Senatorial Bid

“I have gained experience in governance and administration learning from the successes and failures and now ready to steer our county government to prosperity,” he added.

“As we head to April nominations and August General Elections, I will actively take part in county level politics seeking to revive devolved sectors to improve livelihoods of our people right from highlands of Kiptagich to the hills of Mai Mahiu.”

His plan, he elucidated, is to use his newfound power to “connect all communities in Nakuru, offering an equitable share to the marginalized, ending all forms of discrimination, and promoting coexistence among all ethnic communities.”

“I therefore, humbly request you to vote for Madam Susan Kihika as your next Governor and DP Ruto as our next president. A fresh start, a new beginning!” 

Read Also: PNU Members Fault CS Munya for Posing as Party Leader

Ketyenya urged UDA supporters to rally behind Kihika and guarantee she wins the seat, rather than focusing on who will be deputizing her.

Stanley Karanja, is also eyeing the seat on a Jubilee ticket. He was former Senator James Mungai’s running mate in 2017.

Governor Lee Kinyanjui is banking on his track record and development program to keep his place on the newly formed Ubuntu People’s Forum (UBF).

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