The Political Press

The reality in Politics

sabina chege

Raila Odinga Visits Murang'a Woman Rep Sabina Chege in Hospital. [Courtesy]

Raila Pays Ailing Sabina Chege a Visit in Hospital

Raila Odinga, the leader of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), paid a visit to ailing Murang’a Woman Representative Sabina Chege at Nairobi Hospital on Tuesday evening, where she is undergoing treatment for an undisclosed ailment.

Raila was joined by other politicians like as Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho, Senator Ole Kina (Narok), Gladys Wanga (Homa Bay), Mishi Mboko , Junet Mohamed and Kanini Kega.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases… Great is your faithfulness oh Lord. Thank you baba @RailaOdinga for the visit and Team ni Sisi,” said Sabina.

Her lawyers, James Orengo and Otiendo Amollo, on Tuesday told the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) that their client who was set to appear before the Electoral Code Conduct Enforcement Committee had been unwell since February 16.

Otiende presented a letter from Dr Eric Munene showing that the lawmaker was indeed unwell.

“Allow me to introduce a letter to confirm that the respondent is indisposed and was admitted on February 16 at Nairobi Hospital,” Otiende said.

“We request that we reschedule the hearing to when she will be available.”

Read: Sabina Chege Skips IEBC Hearing, Admitted at Nairobi Hospital

The Rarieda lawmaker also informed the Committee that they had filed a petition with the constitutional court to determine if the committee chaired by IEBC chairman Wafula Chebukati had jurisdiction over the subject.

As a result, the committee rescheduled MP Sabina’s hearing sitting to March 8.

“This committee is also alive to the constitutional safeguards requisite for a fair, just and expeditious hearing. The application for adjournment is allowed,” said the committee chair.

The IEBC advised parties interested in the case not to discuss the matter in public.

“For the purposes of preserving the sanctity of the hearing of this case on breach of the Electoral Code and so as to avoid prejudices to the fair determination of the case, the Respondent Hon. Sabina Chege is directed to either by self or through Counsel to refrain from commenting on the case in public fora,” added the committee.

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