The Political Press

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Raila Threatens to Abandon Presidential Bid if Nyanza Does Not Meet Voter Registration Targets

ODM party leader Raila Odinga has threatened to abandon his presidential bid should Nyanza people not register as voters.

Speaking in Homa Bay county on Friday, the former prime minister lectured the youth on their laxity to be listed as voters.

“My rivals are having their people register as voters in large numbers because they have taken the presidential race in 2022 seriously. When I walk out there I am embarrassed because of the manner in which you are not taking this matter seriously,” he said.

“Do you want me to quit the race? If you do not register in numbers, then I do not see the reason why I should contest. We have to take this matter seriously and register,” he added.

Read: Raila Is Like Judas Iscariot – Wanjigi Says After Release

Urging the people to come out in large numbers, Raila said he has the best economic plan.

“I want our eligible youths to turn out and register to their numbers as voters. Our economic revolution is aim to better the lives of the youth,” said Raila who is seeking to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta on August 9.

The Azimio la Umoja presidential candidate maintained that he will improve the lives of the common Kenyan should he clinch the presidency.

“Many of you urged me during the Azimio La Umoja tour of the country to go and seek presidency in August 2022. I expected you register as many as voters but I’m getting demoralised with the sluggishness trend I see in you in taking voters cards,” he complained.

Read Also: 30 Governors Endorse Raila’s Presidential Bid

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) is currently registering voters for the last time before the polls.

The commission is targeting more than 112,000 new voters in Homa Bay.

But by Thursday, IEBC had listed only 1,240 people.

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