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UDA Party Headquarters along Makindu Road. [Courtesy]

UDA Nominates Volunteer Cook, Messenger to County Assembly

The United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party has awarded personnel in the hospitality department with Ward Representative posts.

Everlyn Korir volunteered at the Hustler party offices located along Makindu Road, Nairobi in January 2021.

Then, Ms Korir was working remotely and was just about to complete her studies. She decided to offer her services at the party headquarters.

She was offered a job as a receptionist. She was required to reply to inquiries and carry out other office tasks. 

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“It was one of those moments when you are almost finishing school and you have nothing to do. So I decided to join the party and volunteer my services,” she told the Nation.

Fast forward to September 2022, Ms Korir is one of the nominated Members of the County Assembly for Baringo County.

“It was a surprise when I saw my name. I thank the party officials for trusting me with the position and I promise to deliver for the residents of Baringo,” she added.

The party also awarded four others who were volunteering their services at the Hustler Centre. They include;  Lydia Jeptoo (Nandi), Beatrice Chepkemoi (Kericho), Evans Kipyegon (Baringo) and Noela Omollo (Kericho).

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Three of the nominees will represent gender while the other two will represent special interest groups.

Jeptoo also worked in the hospitality department and was caught by surprise when her name appeared on the list of nominated Ward Representatives.

“We were told to make the application but I did not know I would make it. It was a surprise when I was told that my name was on the list. I’m grateful and I look forward to venturing into elective politics in the future,” she said. 

Mr Kipyegon was a cleaner at the party headquarters and was later promoted to a messenger.

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“I used to do tasks such as delivering letters to the Registrar of Political Parties, purchasing things, and doubled up as a storekeeper,” he told the daily.

He said he looks forward to joining elective politics in the future.

“I will now focus on my current role as a nominated MCA as I reflect on my future goals which would involve going for an elective seat,” he said. 

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission chairman Wafula Chebukati on Wednesday gazetted all the 1,443 MCAs.

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The gazettement paved way for the swearing-in of  MCAs.

This, however, will depend on when the governors of the 47 counties will gazette the first sitting.

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