The Political Press

The reality in Politics

waiguru kinyanjui

Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru. [Courtesy]

Waiguru Slams Lee Kinyanjui for Sounding Warning to Presidential Aspirants Wooing Mt Kenya Voters

Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru has hit out at her Nakuru counterpart Lee Kinyanjui after he sounded a warning to presidential aspirants wooing Mt Kenya voters.

While she disagreed with some of his sentiments, the county boss sided with her colleague on issues affecting the people from Central Kenya.

Waiguru who is in the Deputy President William Ruto camp, said Mt Kenya voters will this time around vote for a leader they “feel”.

“While I agree that Mt Kenya wants a leader who will represent their interests- it’s definitely not in the traditional sense… This time, they will vote with both their heads and hearts; A message they understand and a messenger they feel! William Samoei Ruto,” she said on Tuesday.

Governor Kinyanjui had warned that presidential hopefuls investing in the Mt Kenya region could end up regretting the decision.

He said the people will vote based on real issues not the number of harambees a candidate has attended.

“All we ask is caution while pursuing this bloc. Do not invest too much because you are likely to regret it. From the last five elections since the introduction of multiparty, the region has voted with its head, not heart,” Kinyanjui wrote on Facebook.

“Interests and only interests will reign supreme.”

He also noted that the Central Kenya people will vote for an individual who supported the “One man one shilling” idea, has stood with one of their own in the past or their stand on free enterprise and the fight against graft.

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