The Political Press

The reality in Politics

ps korir

Water PS Julius Korir in Court. [COURTESY]

Court Acquits Water PS Korir in Wife Assault Case

A Nairobi Court has acquitted Water and Sanitation PS Julius Korir who was accused of assaulting estranged wife Evelyn Koech in 2020.

Milimani principal magistrate Dolphina Ogola on Wednesday ruled that the prosecution failed to prove its case beyond reasonable doubt.

In July, Korir denied assaulting his ex-wife and urged the court to dismiss the case.

The defendant told the court that the allegations leveled against him were meant to settle a score. He also stated that at the time the alleged assault took place, he and Evelyn had separated.

“Your honour, I got married to the complainant in June 2014 and our marriage ran into difficulties. We separated but lived under the same roof. The complainant moved out of the house around 2019,” Korir told the court. 

He claimed that shortly after, his estranged wife moved to children’s court for custody of the kids and also prayed for child support in 2020.

In 2021 she filed for divorce at Milimani law court and the marriage was dissolved in December 2021. 

“The complainant was given full custody of the children. I was only granted supervised visitation which I felt aggrieved and appealed. She didn’t like that I complained about seeing my children and saw me as a violent person,” the court heard.

“In my opinion, the case is because I appealed the decision of the children’s court to remove the restrictions when accessing the children.”

He also denied knowing their alleged maid Milka Chepchirur who testified in the case. 

“My prayer is that am a law abiding citizen. I respect the law and I have demonstrated this during these proceedings. I am a responsible parent who loves my children and wants the best for them.”

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